How to choose the best solar street light

Here are the steps to choose the best solar street light:
1.Determine Your Lighting Needs: Before choosing a solar street light, evaluate the area where you want the light to be installed to determine the amount of lighting you need.

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Bosun Lighting is a the leader of solar street light project, focusing on quality and customize lighting simulation according to your requirements which can help you to choose the best solar street light.

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2.Check the Lumens Rating: Look for solar street lights with high lumens rating. Lumens measure the amount of light emitted by the light source. The higher the lumens rating, the brighter the light.


3.Look for High-Quality LEDs: LEDs are highly efficient and have a long lifespan. When selecting solar street lights, look for those that have high-quality LEDs that offer bright light output.


4.Consider the Solar Panel Efficiency: Look for solar street lights with high-quality solar panels that have high conversion efficiency, The higher the conversion efficiency, the brighter the light.


5.Check the Battery Capacity: Look for street lights with high-capacity batteries that can provide long-lasting illumination. And brand new battery will have 50,000hours a longer life span.


6.Consider the Weather Resistance: Choose a solar street light that can withstand the weather conditions in your area. If your local weather is lower than 0 degrees Celsius, we recommend that you use a ternary lithium battery; if your local weather is higher than 0 degrees Celsius, a lithium iron phosphate battery is sufficient.

7.Purchase from a reputable manufacturer: Buy your solar street light from a reputable manufacturer or supplier that offers warranties and after-sales support.
Bosun Lighting is a responsible manufacturer which have developed 18 year’s experience with our quality products and good service.

These are just a few tips to help you choose the best solar street light.
Keep in mind your lighting needs and the features you require when making your purchase.

Post time: Apr-28-2023